Thursday, May 7, 2009

If you are ever going to eat a burger

My friend Candace and I had a dinner date last night. Since the economy is imploding on itself lately, we decided that we would want to spend about 10 bucks each on dinner. Not a bad decision for single lasses like us. I found this wonderful place in my neighborhood called Good Stuff Eatery. And can I tell you, it is such good stuff. What I like most about the place is

1) They make their food from really fresh ingredients. Or at least that's what they claim

2) They have this killer burger flavored with cilantro and carrots. My philosophy about food is to take the bad calories with some good. So, if I'm going to eat a burger, I better eat some other good calories to cancel the bad. My nutritionist readers are probably going to crucify me for saying that!

3) They have pretty good turkey burgers. I don't like beef all that much. And ground beef is actually even worse because not only is it beef but then one never knows whether they are eating a cow's leg, finger or nose. I'll stick with the turkey.

4) They grill their meet right in front of you. It is not deep fried (well, except the fries). Pretty good for an obsessive lard-avoider

5) They serve salads. Ok, on the salads I actually was disappointed. First, they make all their salads are made with lettuce. I consider lettuce as good as a potato as a vegetable. It's pretty much water and a little bit of fibre. Not much more in terms of nutrients. The other no-no they did is that they added so much of this nasty parmesan on top! Another ingredient they added in it was tortilla chips! Really, Good Stuff, Really? Do you have to have chips in a salad? Totally destroyed the salad for me. Though I typically ask for olive oil and lemon at restaurants, I thought I should try their mystery dressing with the salad. It tasted pretty light and flavorful. The salad also had some corn and tomatoes in it. Not many but a few to see that I wasn't just eating lettuce, chips and parmesan. I think they should stick to the burgers if that's their specialty.

6) As I was leaving, I saw their shake menu. No way! I am not going to destroy my health with a shake. Though I was incredibly tempted, I decided, no way, Jose!

I probably eat "bad food" like burgers once a month. And since I have a permanent embargo against McDo and the like, I am happy to find decent burgers that won't send me to my grave too quickly

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