Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mighty Kale

So, I'm going out of town for about a week and a half and have been trying to clear my fridge in preparation. Today I decided to work for home, which means...*drumroll*...I get to make my own lunch! However, there's very little in my fridge at the moment. All I could find was a pack of tofu, a few weak carrots, some potatoes. Mhhh...not very appetizing, right? I actually almost walked down the street to my neighborhood Cosi for an overpriced salad. Glad I didn't. I would have regretted it a ton. Well, I remembered also that I had frozen a bunch of kale a few weeks ago for fear of it going to waste. I love kale! I also found some chopped onion and ginger in my freezer for extra flavor. So, I decided to make myself some tofu and kale shindig.

Here's what I used:
1 packet (500 g) of very firm tofu cut into large cubes- I really like it hard- can't stand the texture of the silken kind
3 carrots peeled and cut into strips
a bunch of kale, chopped finely
1/2 onion (I had some frozen)
a little bit of ginger (mine was frozen so might have lost some flavor)
5-6 baby potatoes
canola oil to fry
a shake of red peppers
soy sauce
a few drops of sesame oil

Put potatoes to boil in a small pot.
Pour some canola oil in a wok. Add cubed tofu and fry for about 3 mins until slightly brown. Add carrots and cook for another minute. Add onion, ginger and the kale. Add the sesame oil, soy sauce, and red peppers. Cook with the lid open until the kale is wilted. By this time the potatoes should be cooked. Serve stir fry and potatoes together hot. Enjoy. Return to laptop and work :)

Ok, here are a few reasons I love kale
1) It's probably just as good as spinach but doesn't give you that nasty heartburn.
2) I grew up eating lots of greens in Southern Africa, and kale has the best texture and I believe tastes the best.
3) It is probably one of the cheapest veggies in American supermarkets (I think cabbage is the cheapest)
4) It doesn't spoil easily
5) It will give you more than you ever would need in Vitamin A, K and C. >1000% of Vit K daily value! I still need to figure out what vitamin K does, but hey, I'm sure it doesn't hurt.
6) It's chock full of fibre- an itsy bit will give you about 20% of your daily allowance
If you want to know more about Kale, go here
Oh, also, as you can see,

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