Monday, May 4, 2009

What I just had for lunch today!

So, I decided to start a blog about healthy food because I care deeply about food and eating. Friends have noticed that I eat healthily, fanatically and they often ask for recipes about what to make. Well, this is it! I'll post my own recipes (I rarely follow others' recipes well), interesting articles and tidbits about eating well. Enjoy!

This salad was literally mixing up
1 cup corn ( warm up frozen)
1 can on tuna
1 cup green peppers (chopped finely)
a handful of salad greens
1 lemon
a handful of dried cranberries
salt and pepper to taste
I just opened the can of tuna and added the lemon. then added all other ingredients. The corn was a bit warm, which was nice because it is kinda cool today. Delicious!

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